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FYWN Managed Hosting

Take your website hosting to another level with FYWN Managed Hosting services for faster site loads, long-term stability and top-tier security. FYWN Managed Hosting starts at $25/month.

Your Website Hosting Choice is Incredibly Important

Ever go to a website that seems to take an eternity to load? Or maybe it was down when you went there? Even worse, you find out later the site was hacked and you actually entered your info for a transaction or inquiry, leaving you wondering if your sensitive data is out there in cyberspace. 

All the above are common occurrences that can be related to your hosting. More precisely, slow load times, crashes, security flaws and other issues are a result of your quality of hosting. 

If you’ve never spoken to an actual person at your chosen hosting company (and in some cases even if you have), odds are you may not be aware of the various types and levels of website hosting available. But you really should know, because your choice may be costing you money.

Bad Hosting Can Cost You More Than You Think

The best hosting to have for your website is, in short, the best type that you can afford. But consider this: how much can you afford to lose with bad hosting?

To clarify, bad or unreliable hosting means your website will run slower, crash more often and generally provide a bad user experience, which will lead to less users wanting to visit or spend time on your site — and less prospects for you.

Your site is hosted on a server, which is just a big computer.  Servers with more power, memory and other functions simply run more efficiently, provided there aren’t too many other sites on that server vying for the same resources, which is where problems start.

We don’t like problems, so our hosting plans eliminate them before they start. FYWN Hosting is built for today’s web, we give you all the resources you need to make your website run like a well-oiled machine, at a very affordable price!

Your Website Deserves to Live In a Good Neighborhood

A good analogy for website hosting is real estate. In a nutshell, you’re paying for space where your website will live, it’s just a question of the accommodations and amenities for which you’ll be paying!

There are four main types of hosting: 

  • Shared Hosting, which is like a big apartment complex
  • VPS Hosting, which is a much smaller apartment building
  • Dedicated Hosting, which is like your own home
  • Managed Hosting, which is a small condo development with your own team providing the necessary services to keep things running efficiently and securely

For a more detailed explanation as well as the pros and cons of each, read this post, after which you’ll agree that FYWN Managed Hosting is your best bet.

FYWN Managed Hosting, Built for Today's Web

FYWN Managed Hosting is a VPS configuration, but it’s also managed by our team of hosting experts.

On average, your website must load within 3 seconds, each second longer than that dramatically increases the percentage of visitors who will leave. Today’s website visitors expect lightning-fast load times and steel-plated security. FYWN Managed Hosting provides both of these, and more. 

As mentioned above, our managed hosting is like having a team dedicated to providing all the necessary services to keep your website up and running. We not only ensure that your site is fast-loading and secure, we also take the necessary steps so that your site stays up and running 24/7 with an uptime of 99.8% (hey, nobody’s perfect!).

Other features include a free SSL, maximum bandwidth, increased memory and storage — not to mention daily backups and virus scans. All of this is packed into the latest state-of-the-art servers running at peak performance. Contact us today, and maximize your website hosting!    

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